Monday, December 12, 2016

Fractions are HERE!

Yes...the infamous fractions unit is finally here!  Additionally, here are all the other happenings in Room 25 this week:

Last Friday we took the Chapter 5 test (Factors, Multiples, and Patterns).  The tests were given back today for you viewing pleasure.

On Tuesday we begin our first unit introducing fractions: Fraction Equivalence and Comparison.  This unit builds on the students' previous knowledge from Chapter 5 and learning how to find equivalent fractions, reduce fractions into simplest form, find common denominators, and comparing and ordering fractions.  This week we will cover:

Last week we started our Rock Cycle Unit in Science and we are off to an awesome start.  We have already created Sedimentary Rock edible sundaes (last week), observed different types of rocks in the cycle (sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous), and will begin to study erosion this week with a cool experiment simulating how water can erode rock!

Language Arts
Word Study
This week we took our List 15 quiz on Monday and will begin List 16 on Tuesday.  Due to the hectic nature of next week, this will be our final list before Winter Break.  The words this week focus on the /g/ and /dg/ sounds and spelling patterns.  PLEASE, try to have your student practice these words occasionally throughout the week for the test on Monday, December 19th!  The words can be found here.

Last week we began our Nonfiction Unit; beginning our focus on the variety of text features.  This week we turn our attention to Text Structures: ways an author organizes the information in a book (cause/effect, sequence, problem/solution, description, and compare/contrast).  We will focus on cause/effect and sequence this week specifically.

We just finished-up our most recent persuasive essay based on the controversial topic of whether chocolate milk should be banned from school cafeterias.  The debate was fierce and you will be able to see the fruits of our labor this week when the graded essay comes home. 

This week we will delve into the realm of comparison/contrast essays once again.  Since we have just finished reading the book WONDER, we will be comparing the theme and actions of the characters to a few books with similar themes.

I hoe you have a wonderful week!  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  Thanks, and stay warm!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Factors, Fourteen States, and a Fourth Grade Nothing!

Welcome back from a relaxing break.  This week marks the middle of the 2nd semester and we are knee-deep in fourth-grade awesomeness.  Here is what's going on in Room 25 this week:

The Chapter 4 Test was finished before break and I was proud of the progress the class made in Division.  This week we begin Chapter 5 - Factors, Multiples, and Patterns, which will be building upon everything we have learned with multiplication and division, and will set us up for upcoming units on fractions.  The lessons we will be covering this week are:
  • Monday - Modeling Factors (click on image for a video) 
  • Tuesday - Factors and Divisibility

Social Studies/Science
The week before break we completed a project regarding the importance of importing and export goods through international trade.  This week will conclude our Southeast Region Unit with the students creating a 5-slide research presentation created in Google Slides.  This will give the kids an opportunity to learn some more in-depth information about a specific state in the region and present that information on Thursday.  In addition, the region's States and Capitals test will be on Friday.  Al 14 states in the region will be tested, along with their corresponding capitals. A study sheet can be found here (along with Delaware and Maryland).

On Friday we will begin our Science Unit: The Rock Cycle.  The unit will begin with a really cool hands-on activity that models sedimentary rock (and it will be edible!)

Language Arts
Word Study
This week's word list will be abbreviated with a list of only 10 words.  The words all follow specialty spelling rules when followed by suffixes -ing or -ed.  There will be a test on Monday, December 5th. Here are the words for the week.

We will finish Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing this week; using the text to review how to identify character traits, themes, mood/tone, and point of view.  Friday will wrap-up our fiction unit with Part 2 of the fiction assessment.

FYI - I haven't loaded the Pandora's Box plays onto the blog yet, but when I do, I'll let you all know (this week!)!

Tuesday we begin our next persuasive essay.  We will begin focusing on the craft and style of our writing; making it sound more personal and less robotic.  Tune-in to Twitter to see the process!

Have a wonderful week!  As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Conflicts, Quotients, and Coastal States

I admit, it was a stretch with the "k" sounds in the title, but I think I pulled it off!  Anyway, here is what's happening in the Room 25 this week and next:

Language Arts
Word Study
Due to the shortened week, we will not be adding any new word study words this week.  We will end the week with List 11 (compound words) and have the quiz on Thursday.  Here are the words for the week.

This week and next we will be focusing on Mood/Tone a fictional story, as well as conflict.  Conflict consists of two types: External Conflict (Person vs. Person, Person vs. Nature, or Person vs. Society) and Internal Conflict (Person vs. Self).  Currently we are reading the novel Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume; using it as a example text to find examples of Mood/Tone and Conflict.  I will be assigning additional reading for homework that can also double as the required 30-minutes each night.

Currently we are writing a persuasive essay around the controversial topic of whether backyard trampolines should be banned or not.  The conversations have been heating and I've heard many gruesome stories of accidents in many families!  STAY SAFE!

Social Studies
Last week we began our next unit: The Southeast Region.  Students will be bringing home maps of the region that include the states and capitals.  The test over this regions states and capitals will be after Thanksgiving break (November 29th).  In addition to the geography, we will be focusing on the rich history of this region, including slavery, the Civil War, and the Civil Rights Movement.  

On top of all that, the last few days have been filled with talk of the presidential election.  We have done some research in class about the candidates and even participated in a mock election hosted by the 5th grade classes!

This week and next we will finish-up our division unit.  I am taking a few extra days next week to make sure we have a mutual understandings of the division strategies before assessing everyone.  Fractions are coming up next, and I want to make sure we are all ready!  If you are wondering HOW I am teaching these strategies, click on the pictures below for a refresher.

               Long Division                                                                Repeated Subtraction

A few more important announcements:

  • There will be confirmation letters going home tomorrow. letting you know what time your parent/teacher conference is scheduled for.  If there are any changes you need to make, please return them ASAP.
  • Next Tuesday, November 15th, is Parent/Grandparent visitation day for the school.  The fourth grade teachers will be in a mandatory meeting all day, so I am inviting you to visit on Wednesday, November 16th!
  • Next Friday, November 18th, we will be performing our Pandora's Box plays in the classroom at 12:30.  You are all invited to come and watch the performances!  I will send home reminders next week!
Have a wonderful rest of the week!  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Vertebrae, Views, and diVision!

The first week on the new quarter has started and we are continuing to work hard!  Here's what's going on in Rom 25 this, and next week:

Language Arts
Word Study
This week's words focus on the /er/ and /or/ sounds, including different ways these sounds can be spelled.  Additionally, students will be expected to identify antonyms of each word as well.  The quiz will be taking place next Tuesday, November 2nd.  Here are the words for the week.

This week we are focusing on reflection writing that follows our Owl Pellet Science experiment.  By now, the students are able to make inferences on what the owl ate based on the bones that were dissected from the pellets.  Additionally, we are finishing up our Greek Mythology unit by writing comparison essays based on two characters that share similar characteristic traits.  Next week we will get back to more persuasive writing.

As already mentioned, the we have finished our Greek Mythology unit on Wednesday.  We took the opportunity to watch Disney's Hercules on Wednesday to see the common characters we have read about in scenes together.  Although we are moving on from Mythology, the students have been practicing the play Pandora's Box and will be performing it in class next Friday, November 4th (letters home will be sent soon!).

On Thursday and Friday, we will begin focusing on Point-of-View in fiction.  This will also include a writing assignment where the students will rewrite a story from another character's perspective.

We are finished with the Owl Pellet experience and the class's work is proudly displayed in the hallway!  To finish-up our Science unit, we will be making fold-able projects that display all of our learning in regards to animal classification (vertebrates and invertebrates)

Division is upon us!  Students received their graded Chapter 3 Test on Monday and I was extremely proud of their success!  This week in division we are focusing on the basics of division with remainders.  Next week we move into the different strategies for longer division.  This week we focus on using models to understand remainders and then figure out what those remainders mean.  Click on the picture below for a cool video explaining the process.

Have a wonderful week!  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Plants, Problem-Solving, and Personality Traits!

The final week of the first quarter is upon us!  We've come far in the first 10 weeks and we will continue to work hard and think critically!  Here is what is happening in Room 25 this week:

This week we continue with our classification of living things.  Monday and Tuesday we will observe and read about different types of plants (vascular and non vascular) and begin observing animals and their characteristics and classifications (vertebrates and invertebrates).  Our animal observations will be with Darkling Beetles; where we will observe and collect data regarding their life cycle and physical characteristics.  This should be lots of fun!

Your students will be bringing home a multiplication strategy quiz on Monday or Tuesday that was taken last Friday.  Chapter 3 has focused primarily on different 2-digit multiplication strategies in order to solve computation problems.  This we will focus on multi-step word problems so that these strategies can be used in real-world situations.  We will work on this on Tuesday and Wednesday, and end the week with the Chapter 3 test on either Thursday or Friday (dependent on the progress we make).  I'll be sure to let you know later in the week which day the test is on.  As a reminder, here are the strategies that we have covered:

  • The Area Model and Partial Products: (click the image for video)
  • The Regrouping Method: (click the image for video)

Language Arts
Word Study
The words for the week can be found here!  The quiz will be on Friday.  Remember that the students are held accountable for the word throughout the week and if it is not completed by Friday, it is homework over the weekend.

This week we finish up our Greek mythology focus.  During the past few weeks we have read many stories of the Greek gods, specifically focusing on the personality traits of the characters.  This comes to an end through a class play of Pandora's Box that we will all be performing in a few weeks (stay tuned for invitations to be part of our audience!).

In addition to the play, we will be writing a constructed response; comparing two similar characters from Greek myths.

Have a great week!  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Make sure to follow us on Twitter at @misterholmes25 for updates on class activities!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Multiplying, mythology, and mold!

Three weeks left in the first marking period and we are making lots of progress!  Here is what's going on in Room 25 this week and next:

Last Friday we took the Chapter 2 Test and the graded tests will come home on Monday.  This week we begin Chapter 3: Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers.  This chapter takes everything we learned in Chapter 2 and simply adds an extra digit.  This will include multiplying by multiples on ten (Tuesday), estimating products (Wednesday), and multiplying using the Area/Partial Product Method. There will be homework on Tuesday through Thursday this week to review these strategies. Remember to log in to Think Central for access to instructional videos, games, and examples used in class.  Here's an image of the Area/Partial Product method we will focus on this week (click on it for a video!):

Other multiplication strategies we will be covering are Partial Products, and the "old school" Regrouping method.  Keep in mind that I do not care which strategy is used, as long as the students can accurately show their work!

For the rest of the marking period, I am attempting to stay on an alternating schedule of READ about, then DO SOMETHING about it.  Every other day we will observe/experiment/set-up a scientific experience, and the following day we will read about it.  This week we are classifying living things through kingdoms.  Look forward to hearing about our mold-growing experiences this week!  In addition, Tuesday/Wednesday the students will receive a cell-building project that will be worked on at home.  This will be due next Friday, October 14th.

Language Arts
We will continue our focus on Traditional Literature and the different types of Folktales. Both this week and next week will focus on Greek Mythology; tying in character traits, drama, theme, and conflict.  The culminating activity next week will be a performance on Pandora's Box!

Word Study
This week we will take our Work Study quiz on Tuesday.  The new words for the week are all homophone pairs (words that sound the same, but are spelled differently).  We will emphasize the difference in meaning this week, which is important when writing context-clue sentences.  There will be SIX options this week due to the need to focus on meaning and part of speech.  Here are the words for the week.  These words will last until Friday, October 14th.  The quiz will take place on that day as well.

We're working on finishing up our persuasive essays from last week,  Stay tuned!  In addition to finishing our persuasive essays, we will be writing many reflections during independent reading, as well as reflecting on our Science observations and experiments.

Have a great week!  Don't forget to stay updated through Twitter at @misterholmes25.  

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Onions, operations, and opinions!

Another fun week is upon us!  Here is what's going down in Room 25 this week:

Social Studies/Science
This week we complete our Northeast Region Social Studies unit with our news broadcasts.  Due to time constraints, some groups will present on Tuesday, and others will present on Friday.  Check out our Twitter feed for videos of the broadcasts.

Starting on Wednesday, we will begin our first Science Unit - Calssifying Animals and Plants.  This unit begins with the students observing a plant cell (an onion) under a microscope to see what the "building block" of all life looks like.  On Thursday we will look at some pond water to see the small organisms only visible with a microscope.  Beginning Friday, we will begin building our cell models (this project will come home and be due the following Thursday).

Last week we finished up covering all the strategies for solving 2-, 3-, and 4-digit multiplication problems.  This week we will tackle solving these problems in real-world situations (word/story problems).  Along with these word problems, we will practice multi-step problems using the order of operations.  Most of us learned this through the memorization strategy of "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally".  I will use this same strategy, but 4th graders will not be exposed to exponents at all this year.  Here's a video we watched in class.

Language Arts 
Word Study
Our words this week can all be sorted by the sounds /u/, /oo/,  and /yoo/.  The words were passed out on Monday and will part of the Reading Workshop throughout the week.  A "take-home" list was also given for spelling and synonym practice at home.  The quiz will be next Monday, October 3rd.  Here are the words for the week.

Our focus for the week is theme!  Theme is the message or lesson the author wants the reader to walk away with.  Identifying themes, comparing themes, and finding evidence to support inferred themes will be our purpose for reading this week.  Taking in-class notes, connecting through guided reading, and practicing their strategies with partners will lead us to an awesome understanding of this important standard.  We'll also be exploring different types of traditional literature while identifying theme.

Last week was a little hectic, so we are continuing our discussions over presidential elections and if 4th graders should have a say in the process.  After Monday's debate, many of the students have very interesting views of the process and are forming some involved opinions.  These persuasive essays should be fun to share!

Have a great week!  If you have any questions, please feel free to email or call.  Thanks for your continued support!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Three and a half days of fun!

This week is a short one, but we are still working!  Here's what's going on in Room 25 this week:

Language Arts
Word Study
Due to the shortened week, we will not have any new words this week.  Our quiz will be on Wednesday over the words that were given last week.  The word study work for the week will be due on Wednesday as well.  As a reminder, here are the words for the week.

This week we will focus on the different genres of fiction, as well as sequencing events, and reviewing common themes in literature.  Our Reading Workshop is now in full swing with Guided Reading groups meeting every day.  This includes ALL students meeting with me at least twice a week to discuss strategies and reading from texts that are at each student's instructional level.

Last week we completed our first persuasive essay.  These will be displayed in the hall way since we did such an amazing job!  I'll post pictures as soon as I get them up.

This week we are jumping right back in to another topic that is much applicable to current events: Should 4th graders have the right to vote for the President of the United States?  I look forward to hearing the debates and ideas from the class!

Last week we took a quiz over different strategies used to multiply.  This week I add the final strategy of "Regrouping"; which is the way most of us learned how to multiply.  With this new set of strategies, I look forward to continued growth in our problem-solving skills.  Here is a video to remind your kids! 
I DO NOT CARE what strategy the students use the solve the problems.  As long as the answer is correct and they can show their work! Let your kids use the strategy THEY are comfortable with!

Social Studies
We will be finishing our Northeast unit this week.  The assessment will include news broadcasts created by the students reporting on the Geography, History, and Industry of the region.  Look for some cool videos on Twitter by the end of the week!

Have a great week!  If you have any questions, let me know.  I will be in an all-day meeting on Tuesday, so there will not be any Math homework that day.  There is an early dismissal on Thursday and no school on Friday.  

Three and a half days of fun!

This week is a short one, but we are still working!  Here's what's going on in Room 25 this week:

Language Arts
Word Study
Due to the shortened week, we will not have any new words this week.  Our quiz will be on Wednesday over the words that were given last week.  The word study work for the week will be due on Wednesday as well.  As a reminder, here are the words for the week.

This week we will focus on the different genres of fiction, as well as sequencing events, and reviewing common themes in literature.  Our Reading Workshop is now in full swing with Guided Reading groups meeting every day.  This includes ALL students meeting with me at least twice a week to discuss strategies and reading from texts that are at each student's instructional level.

Last week we completed our first persuasive essay.  These will be displayed in the hall way since we did such an amazing job!  I'll post pictures as soon as I get them up.

This week we are jumping right back in to another topic that is much applicable to current events: Should 4th graders have the right to vote for the President of the United States?  I look forward to hearing the debates and ideas from the class!

Last week we took a quiz over different strategies used to multiply.  This week I add the final strategy of "Regrouping"; which is the way most of us learned how to multiply.  With this new set of strategies, I look forward to continued growth in our problem-solving skills.  Here is a video to remind your kids! 
I DO NOT CARE what strategy the students use the solve the problems.  As long as the answer is correct and they can show their work! Let your kids use the strategy THEY are comfortable with!

Social Studies
We will be finishing our Northeast unit this week.  The assessment will include news broadcasts created by the students reporting on the Geography, History, and Industry of the region.  Look for some cool videos on Twitter by the end of the week!

Have a great week!  If you have any questions, let me know.  I will be in an all-day meeting on Tuesday, so there will not be any Math homework that day.  There is an early dismissal on Thursday and no school on Friday.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Persuasion, products, and pictures!

Another week is upon us and it is a busy one!  Don't forget that picture day is on Wednesday, September 13th!  Here's what's going on in Room 25 this week:

Languange Arts
Word Study
Remember that Word Study work is done primarily at school during our Language Arts center time.
The class has brainstormed this past week to make sure the work can be completed in-class, but it may need to be brought home occasionally to finish-up over the weekends.  As stated at Curriculum Night, quizzes do not always happen on Fridays.  We actually took our quiz today and the new words will be reviewed tomorrow.  Make sure to review the words with your students throughout the week and weekend in preparation for the quizzes.  The words for this week can be found here.

We are continuing our persuasive essays this week revolving around the argument of whether wild cats should be aloud to be kept as animals.  We read this article, and the students are choosing a side. If your student tries to convince you to get a tiger as a new pet...encourage the persuasion and let them explain!

This week we wrap-up our introduction to Reading Workshop and will be fully implemented by the end of the week.  This includes a Read A-loud, independent Word Study and Strategy work, as well as guided reading groups meeting with me throughout the week.

Social Studies
We will be wrapping up the Northeast Region chapter this week.  We end with focusing on how the Northeast grew after the Revolutionary War and how the Industrial Revolution changed industry.  A Chapter assessment will happen next week with some fun activities.

Last week was the introduction of multiplication and using models to solve word problems. Hopefully the link to Think Central is helping support you at home.  Again, this site includes interactive games and access to the homework and student GO MATH! books.  Let me know if this is/isn't helping and I'll make adjustments on the blog.  This week we are focusing on:
  • Lesson 2.4 - Estimating Products
  • Lesson 2.5 - The Distributive Property of Multiplication 

  • Lesson 2.6 - Multiply Using Expanded Form/Area Model
  • Lesson 2.7 - Multiply Using Partial Products

The strategies this week are all taught order for the students to find a way that makes the most sense to them.  There may be a strategy that doesn't click with them, but as long as they can solve the problem correctly, that is the goal!  I have linked posters to help in the understanding at home as well.

Have a great week!  Let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.  

Check out our classroom out on Twitter @misterholmes25

Monday, September 5, 2016

What's Happening in Room 25?

Hello Parents!  Hopefully this will reach a few more parents than last week.  I will continue to add email address to my list as they come.  I will also send this newsletter home on paper until I know it is reaching everyone.  In the meantime, here's what's happening in Room 25 this week:

Language Arts
Word Study
Last week we began Word Study, instead of the "old" Spelling work.  In order to keep a better handle on making sure my students are understanding the work associated with Word Study, all of the word work will be done during our Language Arts Workshop time.  Students are gradually getting used to working independently at a much more rigorous pace, so you may have seen some of this work brought home as home work.  Additionally, quizzes will not always be on Fridays, and many times will be scheduled on a Monday or Tuesday.   If there is ever any changes to the schedule, it will be indicated in their assignment notebooks.  The quiz for this week will be Tuesday, and new words will be given on Wednesday.  There may be occasional word study homework, but not as frequent as in the previous weeks.  Here are the new words for the week.

This week we will begin guided reading and centers during our Language Arts block.  The students have worked hard to focus on the routines and strategies needed to make this process run smoothly!

We will be working to prepare for the Fall district Writing assessment this week.  Our focus will be persuasive writing; where we will be reading a passage that gives two sides of an issue and then writing to support one side.  If your child argues with you at home this week...make sure they give you evidence to support their side of the issue!

Last Friday we took our Chapter 1 Test and they will be returned on Tuesday.  Instead of jumping into the next chapter, we will spend Tuesday review common misunderstandings from Chapter 1 and doing some center work that previews Chapter 2.

Beginning on Wednesday we will start Chapter 2: Multiplying by One-digit Numbers.  This chapter sets the groundwork for the rest of the year; where we will be transitioning from multiplication, to division, and then to fractions.  Take a look at the Think Central link on the blog for some additional at-home practice and support.  We will go over this together as a class, as well as at Curriculum Night on Thursday.

Social Studies
This week we will continue our Northeast Region Unit; studying the history and people that make up the colonization of area.  On Tuesday we will take the first States and Capitals quiz.  You will receive those graded assessments on Wednesday.

Other things going on this week:

  • Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 8th.  There will be two sessions and you can come to either one.  This lets parents attend the other session if you have multiple students at North. The schedule is:
        • 6:00-6:30 - Presentation 1
        • 6:30-6:45 - Break
        • 6:45-7:15 - Presentation 2
  • On Wednesday there will be band/orchestra instrument trials for 4th grade.  You will receive additional information about those programs soon.
Have a great week!  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns throughout the week.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Here we go!

Welcome again to a new year full of opportunities and excitement in Room 25!  Here is what is happening this week:

Social Studies
The focus in Social Studies this year is Our Nation: States and Regions.  Last week we began the first region: the Northeast.  Flash cards will be made for studying vocabulary throughout the chapters. Along with vocabulary, the geography of each region will be studied and tested upon.  Next Tuesday, the states and capitals of each of the Northeast states will be tested.  Your students completed practice maps last week to familiarize themselves with the region that can be used at home to study.  Here is a map to help study at-home as well (exclude Maryland).

Last week we took our first Friday quiz over place value and comparing numbers through the hundred thousands place.  Those will come home Monday.  For the rest of the week, we will be covering:  renaming numbers, adding and subtracting whole numbers, and problem-solving using these strategies.  You can expect a short homework sheet daily for at-home practice (Monday-Thursday).  We are scheduled to finish Chapter 1 by Wednesday and have a review game on Thursday for the chapter test on Friday.  This week we will also start our Math Workshop which will help focus on individual strategies for smaller groups.

Language Arts
During our whole group instruction the past week, we have been practicing strategies to help us during class discussions, read alouds, and independent reading.  A big focus for my 4th graders this year is the use of Cornell Notes.  This note-taking tool was introduced this week and will be a staple in the reading process for my students to keep track of what is being read, as a class and independently.  This week we will continue to practice these skills, along with beginning the rotation process for centers and guided reading groups.

Word Study
Spelling is going to get a reboot in my classroom this year.  Starting this week, "Spelling" as you know it will now be referred to as "Word Study".  The emphasis will be more on using the words correctly in context, rather than simply spelling them accurately.  My philosophy is that simply spelling a list of words at the end of the week does not build a better reader and thinker; but if those words are used throughout the week in different contexts, the words will eventually become a part of the students' own everyday vocabulary.  With this being said, there is no "pretest" at the beginning of the week, and the quiz may not always be on Fridays.  Last week's words will be quizzed on Monday and the the new list will be given on Tuesday.  Here are the new words for the week.

Have a great week!  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Welcome, welcome, welcome!

I am excited to start my 15th year in education as your child's 4th grade teacher at North School!  This is my fifth year at North, where I have been a Reading Specialist/Interventionist and fourth grade teacher.  Prior to settling at North School, I taught 4th and 5th grade in Chicago Public Schools, as well as in Detroit (go Tigers!).

I won't bore you with going over the same rules and expectations that you and your child already know about being a student at North School, but I do want to make sure we have a mutual understanding of MY expectations this year for my students.  They are not difficult, and follow the same common-sense approach as many other teachers:

  1. My students' success is my number one priority.  In the midst of so many expectations, standards, curriculum, assessments, and labels...all I care about is my students succeeding.  Whether through celebrating growth, tapping into likes/dislikes, analyzing challenges, or reteaching something differently; I will do all that I can to help my students succeed, as well as feel successful.
  2. Keep on trying.  4th grade is going to be more difficult than 3rd (obviously!).  I know that we will all struggle at a certain point.  All I expect is to try.  If something is difficult, I will help.  If my students don't want my help, I will trick them into thinking I'm not helping...and then help them some more! 
  3. Your involvement is essential.  We are a team in this.  Support at home is awesome; whatever you can give!  I will keep you updated on what is happening here in Room 25, and my door/phone/e-mail is always open for you to tell me what's going on with your child.
I look forward to an amazing year.  Our motto for our school and classroom this year is:  


It's going to take all of us, as a team, to conquer 4th grade...and I'm anticipating an extraordinary journey!  Thanks parents!