Monday, September 5, 2016

What's Happening in Room 25?

Hello Parents!  Hopefully this will reach a few more parents than last week.  I will continue to add email address to my list as they come.  I will also send this newsletter home on paper until I know it is reaching everyone.  In the meantime, here's what's happening in Room 25 this week:

Language Arts
Word Study
Last week we began Word Study, instead of the "old" Spelling work.  In order to keep a better handle on making sure my students are understanding the work associated with Word Study, all of the word work will be done during our Language Arts Workshop time.  Students are gradually getting used to working independently at a much more rigorous pace, so you may have seen some of this work brought home as home work.  Additionally, quizzes will not always be on Fridays, and many times will be scheduled on a Monday or Tuesday.   If there is ever any changes to the schedule, it will be indicated in their assignment notebooks.  The quiz for this week will be Tuesday, and new words will be given on Wednesday.  There may be occasional word study homework, but not as frequent as in the previous weeks.  Here are the new words for the week.

This week we will begin guided reading and centers during our Language Arts block.  The students have worked hard to focus on the routines and strategies needed to make this process run smoothly!

We will be working to prepare for the Fall district Writing assessment this week.  Our focus will be persuasive writing; where we will be reading a passage that gives two sides of an issue and then writing to support one side.  If your child argues with you at home this week...make sure they give you evidence to support their side of the issue!

Last Friday we took our Chapter 1 Test and they will be returned on Tuesday.  Instead of jumping into the next chapter, we will spend Tuesday review common misunderstandings from Chapter 1 and doing some center work that previews Chapter 2.

Beginning on Wednesday we will start Chapter 2: Multiplying by One-digit Numbers.  This chapter sets the groundwork for the rest of the year; where we will be transitioning from multiplication, to division, and then to fractions.  Take a look at the Think Central link on the blog for some additional at-home practice and support.  We will go over this together as a class, as well as at Curriculum Night on Thursday.

Social Studies
This week we will continue our Northeast Region Unit; studying the history and people that make up the colonization of area.  On Tuesday we will take the first States and Capitals quiz.  You will receive those graded assessments on Wednesday.

Other things going on this week:

  • Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 8th.  There will be two sessions and you can come to either one.  This lets parents attend the other session if you have multiple students at North. The schedule is:
        • 6:00-6:30 - Presentation 1
        • 6:30-6:45 - Break
        • 6:45-7:15 - Presentation 2
  • On Wednesday there will be band/orchestra instrument trials for 4th grade.  You will receive additional information about those programs soon.
Have a great week!  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns throughout the week.

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